
It Doesn't Matter Which Version Of The Bible That You Read .. The Good News Stays With You

Last year I decided to made it my goal to read the entire Bible each year.
Not only to read the entire Bible each year, but to really understand what I'm reading, and to make good use of what I'd learned from reading the Bible in my everyday life.
I started off reading my old King James Version Bible that I'd read and studied for years. I really had a hard time understanding some of the verses. By the time that I was almost finished with the Old Testament, I was pretty flustered.
I wasn't satisfied with the way I was understanding what I had read. 
So I went to a Christian book store in my neighborhood and explained my problem to the store's manager. I told her that I not only wanted to read the Bible in a year, but I wanted to understand what I was reading. After a lengthy conversation I purchased a New International Version of the Bible and took it home with me.
Since I wasn't happy about the way that I understood what I had already read in my King James Bible, I decided to start completely over, and read my new NIV Bible from the very beginning.
Wow, the Bible looked new to me. I was finally grasping each and every word.
And I've been reading my new Bible ever since!
But a funny thing happens everytime that I read my new NIV Bible. I seem to always remember the same verses in my old Bible that I read and studied back months ago.
I guess that it Doesn't matter which version of the Bible that you read and study, the "Good News" will always stay with you...

Bible Versions: http://www.biblegateway.com/versions/



Bibles Banned From Schools But Encouraged In The Prison System

Singing the National Anthem, saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America, and having a morning prayer time were some of my best memories of my school days. It's so sad that church and state (schools) have went their separate ways ..
Bibles aren't allowed in schools, but are encouraged in the prison system ..
What's up with that?


From A Good Man To His Country .. I Will Never See This Again !

"I will never see this again"
A very special moment happened at the Presidential Inauguration when President Obama turned around and looked at the crowd to take it all in for one last moment as others passed by.
He said "I will never see this again"
It shows who Barack Obama the man really is!

This is a man who has worked on behalf of the people for his entire political career, and now that he has just been sworn in as President for a second term, displayed remarkable gratitude toward his fellow Americans who came to see their President.

Remarkable for a man who, just 9 years ago, was virtually unknown outside of Chicago, and now he is a two-term President.
[My Views]
Wow, this blew me away!
I've always believed that President Obama is a "Good Man" inside. He's a family man, with down home values. But when he stopped and turned around and said "I will never see this again" ..
It blew me away. These words to me should go down in history with President Obama.
No scripts, no rehearsed lines, and no teleprompters here ..
Just a good man taking in the moment!
Good Luck President Obama!


Lance Armstrong .. The Higher The Pedestal The Harder The Fall

I've been following Lance Armstrong for many years. Beginning with his "Livestrong" Cancer Foundation, his "Tour De France" triumphs, and his recent trouble with doping allegations in the media.
It really hit me hard when he finally admitted the truth. So much evidence was against him. Sometimes we've got to be caught (Or God lets us be caught) in our wrong-doings, or in our sins. Then we can be set free both mentally, physically, and in our spiritual sense of being. This happens so we can live up to our Godly potential. I hope this holds true for Lance Armstrong ..
Here is a post on Facebook that I ran across on Katie Couric dot com that really says it all!
Regarding Lance Armstrong: The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall. Now that Lance has fallen, I would encourage and hope that he will climb out of that deep dark hole and arrive on the same plane that he was on following his personal cancer challenge. Before his "greatness", Lance did great things; he developed a foundation that helps millions of cancer victims every year. I would prefer to become Lance's encourager that would help empower him, so that he can inspire others once again. Historically, the more flawed a person becomes, when they turn their life around and do good, the bigger their inspiration. The more hope that they can give to other flawed people. Saul in the bible was a terrible human being, yet he became Paul whom others try to pattern their lives after. The most hopeless drug addicts in recovery, give hope to other addicts. Same goes for reformed gang bangers and other "bad guys". The noisiest of critics, I listen and wonder, "what skeletons are in their closets"?
In closing: “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Alexander Pope (1688-1744)
Just as God is said to show divine mercy and forgive sinners.


Sports Stars Being Caught With illegal Shortcuts To Success .. Who Should Be Their Judge?

What do Mark McGwire, Lance Armstrong, Pete Rose,
and the New Orleans Saints have in common?
At first glance they all have something to do with sports. More importantly all have been caught doing something illegal in the professional sports world.
I think that everyone that watches sports know all of their stories ..
To me, when you get to the higher levels in the sports world that these four examples have gotten to, you'd think that their sense of professionalism would take over the situation a bit.
Many times when fame and fortune are in the picture, it puts a dark cloud on our judgment.
We tend to forget what really matters in life.
What actions that we take now will cause what kind of reactions later?
"Cheaters Never Win, And Winners Never Cheat" .. Right?
We'd all like to believe in that saying, now wouldn't we?
All four of the examples that I mentioned have been, or in Lance Armstrong's case are being judged and punished for their misdoings  ..
Just remember this from the Bible before taking sides in judgment of others.

Jesus faced a mob that was eager to execute a woman caught in adultery. He put a stop to it with a simple challenge: anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed.

Most of the time things that we do that aren't right catch up to us in one way or another. If we happen to not be caught here in our current life, be assured that God will have us answer for all that we do when we get to the gates of Heaven ..
Why Wait Till Our Judgment Day?
Be cleared of all of the things that you've done wrong, and that you're ashamed of ..
Ask for God's forgiveness.



God And Heaven Are As Close As Saying A Prayer

In my last blog yesterday, I talked about knowing that God and Heaven Exists.
Living forever in Heaven with God.
To get away from the everyday stress of life and work, many of my friends go to the movies. I myself love to watch comedy movies to get a laugh or two. Doctors say that just laughing out loud and putting on a smile each day takes away stress, makes you healthier, and even makes your life span longer. Sounds good to me!
In many movies like Dracula, Blade Runner, Picture of Dorian Grey, living forever and having eternal life is one of the main themes of the story line. If you've ever seen one of these movies, or one like them, do you remember thinking wouldn't it be cool to never get old, and to never die.
To live forever eternally !
Do you know that you can ? How .. By asking God to forgive your sins, and to come into your life. So what this simply means is that you say a prayer to God asking him to clear your slate of all the bad (sins) things that you've done in the past, and to come into your body & soul, and to be there with you. Take some time each day to read in the Bible, and to talk to God. Whether it's only ten or fifteen minutes a day, you'll start to feel the difference in the way that you look and feel about the whole world around you. Remember that no human being is perfect, except God. So each day ask God for his forgiveness of the things that you've done wrong.
God will always be there for you. He loves you no matter what.
This Bible Verse says it all.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
This Will Change Your Entire Life ..
It Changed Mine !


Doctor Eben Alexander Tells Katie Couric About His Near Death Experience And His Journey To Heaven And Back

People have always wanted proof about God and Heaven's existence .
I already have the Faith (And my own Proof) that God and Heaven do exists.
Being in media myself, I'm a big fan of Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper.
They're two of my favorite journalist in the world.
(Thursday 1.10.13)
Katie Couric's show was about medical mysteries ..
The segment of her show that really got my attention was,
 "What happens when you die" .. Does Heaven exists?
Katie's guest was  Dr. Eben Alexander. He was always a skeptic who thought visions of heaven were hallucinations and fantasies. But a near death experience during a battle with meningitis changed the mind of this Harvard neurosurgeon from Lynchburg, Virginia.
Like I said earlier in this blog, I already have the Faith and Proof that God and Heaven Do Exists!
Now watch these two short video clips from the Katie Couric Show with Dr Eben Alexander talking about his experience.

Proof That Heaven Does Exists

I hope that you already have Jesus Christ in your life.
If you don't, I hope that after watching these two short video clips you'll start to think about having a relationship with God, and an eternal life in Heaven!



Waking Up Each Day Being Thankful

What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning?
Your job, getting the kids to school, what errands need to be run for the day, what to cook for dinner?
How about this?
Life is a gift, be thankful .. Just say Thank You!


Begin Your New Year With Asking God Into Your Life

God does always have something for you.
He created you and gave you life in your earthly birth. He knows what's going to happen to you in your entire life. He knows what you're going to say before it comes out of your mouth. And he knows what's in your heart. So whom better to go to for help in running your life?
If you're like me and everyone else in the world, you've made plenty of wrong decisions in your life. Constant struggling with what life is giving you .. Trying to make ends meet ..
 I'm tired of being tired!
Is there anything out there for me?
There Is!
Ask God into your life.
It's easy as saying a prayer!
Here's an example of what to say to God in your prayer.
But remember that the best way to talk to God is through your heart.

Salvation Prayer
 Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.



Make a special time each day to spend time with Jesus, reading the Bible.
And end this special time with a "Heart To Heart" talk with him through prayer.



My Blessing Passed On For A Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013! ..
To most people wishing you a "Happy New Year" means may this new year be better than the past 365 days. I've got to admit that it would be very easy for me to agree with that feeling too!
I lost my mother early last year, and I'm still recovering from surgery that I had this past summer in August. But as one who loves Jesus, I believe that my mom is in a much better place called Heaven. She's out of Earthly pains, and back with her family that have passed in previous years. She's much happier now back home with Jesus. As for my surgery. I had a tumor removed in August (Not Cancer) from my right jaw bone, and have been experiencing complications in my right eye from the surgery when my Doctor hit one of the nerves near that eye. It's getting better though. I've recovered my entire vision back in my eye, and all the movement too. While I was under anesthesia  during the surgery, a Blessing of a lifetime happened to me. Jesus came to me in a vision. I could see a very bright light behind him, and what looked like puffy white clouds in the background. So the surgery that I went through in August was actually a Huge "Blessing" to me. I've only told a few close friends about my encounter with Jesus up to this point. Now I hope through my blog that I can share my Blessing with many others .. If I could do it all over again and turn back time and not have had to have the surgery in August, and not got to have my encounter with Jesus .. would I have changed things? No way! My faith is much much stronger now, and I was given the biggest blessing possible by seeing Jesus with my own eyes. To me I feel like if I can get through to only one non-believer in Christ through my experience, and turn their belief around and believe in Jesus, it was all worth it ..
Seeing is Believing !
Have A Blessed 2013 ..