
Mind Body Spirit .. Living A Good Life In Your 60's !

I just finished checking my Facebook page as I usually do the first thing each morning when I roll out of my bed. I enjoy seeing what all of my family and friends are doing, and what they have planned for the day. I ran upon a post by an old classmate of mine (Larry E. From Good Old Carter High In Dallas,Texas) that I wanted to share with the rest of the world, and those of you that read my blog each day. Here's his post from Facebook this morning: "There are some of you that look at this time as the sunset or twilight of your life. You have slowed down and become complacent spending your days posting photos of your grand-kids to Facebook".

"I look at this time as the dawn of a new chapter in my life. I am filled with energy and great expectations and I am more determined than ever to make a difference in this world".

"Saddle up ! It's your choice".

Way to go Larry! My feelings exactly World!

Here's the way that I look at my life at sixty years old .. To me 60 is the old 4o in life years now a' days. If you've taken care of yourself over the years and have been blessed with good health, I say get out and LIVE ! I play cards, and stay active in media, even tho I'm retired. (Just freelancing now, if you call writing numerous blogs each day,, "Being retired") to keep my mind healthy. I get out and walk / jog five or six days a week ( For my body). And I read my Bible everyday (For My Spiritual well being) .. To keep my Spirit in an up-beat mood. There you have my recipe for living a Great life at 60! (And at any other age too)
 Mind, Body, And Spirit .. Keep these three things running smooth, and you'll be "Kicking It Well Into Your 60's" .............

God Bless !


Talk To Your Kids About The Both Sides Of Bullying .. Please !

Think back for just a moment when you were back in school. What do you remember ?
Hopefully you remember only good times that it brought to you. Going to classes, making new friends, going to school events, food fights in the lunch room, the Friday night football games, and finally the day that you graduated from high school ..
So does this sound like what you remember from your school days ?
I hope so .. But in reality, even back in the "Good Old Days" when I was in school there where Bullies .. You know the boy or girl that had a way of making you feel uncomfortable in class, following you in the halls, and calling you names. They even made you not want to go to school the next day. I only know now after taking hours of Psychology classes in college, studying the Bible, and having kids of my own, that these boys and girls that bullied their chosen prey around school were more scared (of life) than the other kids were. Problems at home, being insecure with themselves, or maybe an alcoholic parent made these troubled kids become aggressive in school and grab the attention that they much needed through bullying.
The other side of the story of course is the poor kids that were (Are) singled out to be the bully's prey ..
How did (And Do) the bully's choose who they do to make life and school a miserable experience ?
Surprisingly most bully's choose kids much like themselves, quiet, unassuming, trying to fit in with the other kids without knowing how, and wondering what good most of their classes are going to be for them later in life. But these bullied kids are actually in school to get their education. Sad but true ..

Bully's think that this behavior makes them fit in, but it doesn't !
While the bullied kids wonder why they get picked on, and why they can't fit in by doing the right thing ..
Kind of a "Catch 22" situation ..Huh ?
Talk to your kids .. Often .. Talk to them about bullying (Both Sides) .. Not only talk to them,, Listen !
