and the New Orleans Saints have in common?
At first glance they all have something to do with sports. More importantly all have been caught doing something illegal in the professional sports world.
I think that everyone that watches sports know all of their stories ..
I think that everyone that watches sports know all of their stories ..
To me, when you get to the higher levels in the sports world that these four examples have gotten to, you'd think that their sense of professionalism would take over the situation a bit.
Many times when fame and fortune are in the picture, it puts a dark cloud on our judgment.
We tend to forget what really matters in life.
What actions that we take now will cause what kind of reactions later?
"Cheaters Never Win, And Winners Never Cheat" .. Right?
We'd all like to believe in that saying, now wouldn't we?
All four of the examples that I mentioned have been, or in Lance Armstrong's case are being judged and punished for their misdoings ..
Just remember this from the Bible before taking sides in judgment of others.
Jesus faced a mob that was eager to execute a woman caught in adultery. He put a stop to it with a simple challenge: anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed.
Most of the time things that we do that aren't right catch up to us in one way or another. If we happen to not be caught here in our current life, be assured that God will have us answer for all that we do when we get to the gates of Heaven ..
Why Wait Till Our Judgment Day?
Be cleared of all of the things that you've done wrong, and that you're ashamed of ..
Ask for God's forgiveness.
Many times when fame and fortune are in the picture, it puts a dark cloud on our judgment.
We tend to forget what really matters in life.
What actions that we take now will cause what kind of reactions later?
"Cheaters Never Win, And Winners Never Cheat" .. Right?
We'd all like to believe in that saying, now wouldn't we?
All four of the examples that I mentioned have been, or in Lance Armstrong's case are being judged and punished for their misdoings ..
Just remember this from the Bible before taking sides in judgment of others.
Jesus faced a mob that was eager to execute a woman caught in adultery. He put a stop to it with a simple challenge: anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed.
Most of the time things that we do that aren't right catch up to us in one way or another. If we happen to not be caught here in our current life, be assured that God will have us answer for all that we do when we get to the gates of Heaven ..
Why Wait Till Our Judgment Day?
Be cleared of all of the things that you've done wrong, and that you're ashamed of ..
Ask for God's forgiveness.