Happy New Year 2013! ..
To most people wishing you a "Happy New Year" means may this new year be better than the past 365 days. I've got to admit that it would be very easy for me to agree with that feeling too!
I lost my mother early last year, and I'm still recovering from surgery that I had this past summer in August. But as one who loves Jesus, I believe that my mom is in a much better place called Heaven. She's out of Earthly pains, and back with her family that have passed in previous years. She's much happier now back home with Jesus. As for my surgery. I had a tumor removed in August (Not Cancer) from my right jaw bone, and have been experiencing complications in my right eye from the surgery when my Doctor hit one of the nerves near that eye. It's getting better though. I've recovered my entire vision back in my eye, and all the movement too. While I was under anesthesia during the surgery, a Blessing of a lifetime happened to me. Jesus came to me in a vision. I could see a very bright light behind him, and what looked like puffy white clouds in the background. So the surgery that I went through in August was actually a Huge "Blessing" to me. I've only told a few close friends about my encounter with Jesus up to this point. Now I hope through my blog that I can share my Blessing with many others .. If I could do it all over again and turn back time and not have had to have the surgery in August, and not got to have my encounter with Jesus .. would I have changed things? No way! My faith is much much stronger now, and I was given the biggest blessing possible by seeing Jesus with my own eyes. To me I feel like if I can get through to only one non-believer in Christ through my experience, and turn their belief around and believe in Jesus, it was all worth it ..
Seeing is Believing !
Have A Blessed 2013 ..